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What I have learned….

One goal that I have for the children and families that I work with is that they feel appreciated, loved, and that they leave with hope for the future.  I want to make sure that I create the best environment that I can for them to flourish in.  I know that I can only do so much for families, but I control the environment that I present them with in my class.  Making sure that I create the environment to be anti-biased will be vital in the success of my classroom and for those children and families.

As an early learning community, I believe that we need to close the inequality gap for children who come from disadvantaged areas.  I believe that there should be more support for preschool for everyone.  It is not just the job of the school districts and programs like Head Start, every person that is working with children needs to support this cause.  I know that there is a large lack of funding for this area, but how can we improve it to make things better in the future?  I plan on continuing to work with centers to create beneficial programs for children.

Lastly I would like to thank my colleagues for making this journey with me.  It was not always an easy topic to face, but I know that I have come out of the class with a lot more to think about than when I started it.  Good luck on your continuing journey.


Start Seeing Diversity

One World

We all live together in one world

We share responsibility in keeping it beautiful

We share concerns about the health of the planet

This is our home.

We all live together in one world

We all have hearts that can love

We all have struggles we overcome

This is our home.

We all live together in one world

One that is struggling to see the value in each other

We stand divided instead of united

This is our home.

We all live together in one world

Where we can choose to take care of one another

Where we can celebrate the differences in one another

This is what I want for our home.

We all live together in one world

One were we can help one another

One were we can stand together

This is what I hope for our home.


“We Don’t Say Those Words In Class!”

I think that it is a common practice for adults to try to avoid hard topics with children, especially when it has the chance to offend other people.  I know that I have done this to children, because I do not want to offend others.  When I hear a child saying things that have the potential to hurt others, my first instinct is to stop them so they do not hurt them.  I know that if I have the chance,  I will explain as to why we do not say things that can be hurtful and how we should say things.  In some ways, I think it is important to allow children to say things that they observe so they learn to express their opinions, we just need to talk to them about thinking about if what they are saying could hurt someone.  There was an instance where a child was talking about how another worker was overweight, and I did want to shut it down because I did not want to hurt the feelings of that worker.  I did take the time talk to them about how we should not say that because it could hurt their feelings.  We should tell them things that would make feel happy.  By shutting down a child’s opinion about other people, we are telling them that there thoughts are not as relevant as ours are.  It could inhibit the way that they chose to interact with people, and we are telling them that what they are thinking is wrong it we shut it down right away.

`In taking an anti-biased approach to teaching, we are showing the children that although people are different, we should celebrate them instead of being negative about them.  We can teach them that there are certain words that cause bad feelings, and how we use those words can hurt others.  By showing children that we all have different traditions, ideas of beauty, and cultures, we are giving them the opportunity to appreciate other people.  When children are educated in an anti-biased environment, we are giving them the chance to be caring citizens in today’s society.


Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

The topics that are presented this week are hard for me to think about in a classroom setting, because I was at a religious private school, and we were required to teach the morals of that religion, so when I discussed family, it was a traditional family.  This does not mean that I discriminated against families of homosexual couples, it just was not fully addressed.  Since the subject never came up in class, I did not broach it, but always encouraged the children to accept all people the way they are.  We are meant to take care of one another, and differences are a part of that.

I also did not influence where children played.  I had many boys playing dress up in the kitchen with dolls and the girls were playing in the tools and cars.  I did not feel that it was a topic that needed to be addressed.  I like the idea of finding books about non-traditional gender roles and using those in a classroom, and as I am moving to a different school, this may be a possibility (Laureate Education, n.d.).  I do know that when I have discussed things like race in my class, I have had parent complaints.

As I move forward with this idea, I think that I need to become more aware of it.  I wake up every morning and work on treating all people equally.  That is what I teach children, that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.  I have taught them that people are different, but that is what makes us interesting.  I hope that as I continue this class, I can learn to address these topics in ways that are age appropriate.


Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Start seeing diversity: Sexual orientation [Video file]. Retrieved from

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Time Well Spent

This has been quite the journey that I have embarked on.  I am very glad that I took the chance and completed the journey, but at times it was really scary and overwhelming.  First of all, I appreciate all the support that I have received from my colleagues and teachers.  I know that without it I would not have been able to complete this journey.  I also appreciate all the challenging and stretching of my learning that you have provided.

As I move forward, I have to reflect on what I have learned so far.  The biggest area of my knowledge that was challenged was anti-biased education.  This was a topic that i did not have a lot of knowledge in, and I feel that I truly learned a lot about the messages that are sent through society and through my actions without even knowing about them.  The second area of learning that I grew in was how to create policies and the importance of them.  I was able to see the true necessity behind detailed staff and parent policies to make sure the center was running smoothly.  The third area of learning that I felt I grew in was the importance of having a group of people to talk about learning with.  That has truly allowed me to expand and apply the learning that I have done in this course.  If I did not have the support that was provided for me in terms of my classmates, I do not know if I would have made it through like I did.

One goal that I would like to have in moving forward would be to see what early learning education looks like in other countries.  I feel that there are many different ideas out in the world and that some could add important elements to what I am doing in the classroom.  I think that this would allow my teaching to move forward in a positive way.

Thank you again for the support that you have given me of this course, and other courses as well.  As you move forward with your journeys in the field of education, I wish you luck.  It may not always be an easy road to travel, being an educator, but the difference that you can make is enormous.


International ECE Roles

The first group that I looked at was UNICEF.  This is an organization that helps promote social welfare across the globe, especially in regards to children.  In exploring this site (, I discovered that they have worked in most of the countries in the world.  I really like that they promote education for all children, not just males or privileged children.  I did not find a listing of jobs that they would have, but I imagine they would need teachers, bloggers, and contact people in each location.  If I was going to be a contact person in UNICEF, I would need to be organized and good at working with people.  I would need to be good at directing people and keeping an inventory. It would be important to be observant and pay attention to the people of the area.  You would have to be adaptable and be willing to work within the surroundings that you are in.  I think this would be a great opportunity for someone who is adventurous and who is organized.

The second group that I looked at was the Save the Children website (  Currently Save the Children is helping children get clean water, food, and trying to help control the Zika outbreak.  They help children in the areas of literacy, nutrition, and disaster response.  They work in over 120 countries and reach 1.66 million children.  Currently, they need people to work at the locations that they are in with their partners.  I would think that you would need people who are motivated, giving, organized, and energetic.  I believe you would want someone who has a education background to help implement the educations programs with the children.  If it was a post oversea, you would also want someone who is bilingual.

The last group that I looked at was the International Step by Step Association (  This is a group that connects non-profits and professionals in the early childhood field.  They are mainly located throughout Europe and Asia, working on promoting professionalism, social justice, and involvement of families and communities in the policies surrounding children.  They also offer training for professionals in the area of early childhood education.  One position that they would need to have would be trainers for the trainings they offer.  The person doing this would need to have a background in early childhood education and experience working with policy and children.  You would also need to have experience designing curriculum and teaching adults.  This group intrigues me and I intend to find out more about it as time goes on.


National/Federal Jobs in The ECE Community

It has been interesting to look at different play oriented groups that are available at the national level.  As I look at these groups, I can tell that there are ones that are more present online than others, and that makes me wonder if they are still out doing good in the communities.

The first group I looked at was the National Institute for Play.  I like the premise of their mission, spreading the importance of play in everyday life to stay healthy.  They do not just focus on play for children but throughout life.  There is also a partnership with National Geographic and Jane Goodall.  I think that there is a lot of good that can come from their research, but I was disappointed with their blog site.  It has not been updated in over a year and a half.  I would assume that one job that would be available would be blog writing.  To do this, you would need to be able to write and meet deadlines.  You would need to be well spoken and have keyboarding skill, as well as general information about how to blog.  You would need to be able to interview people and research topics.  Making topics relatable and interesting for everyone would also be important.  Other than this, I think the other job would be a researcher, but that does not interest me as much as blogging would.

The second group that I looked at is Play Matters.  I love the idea of this group because they are promoting play as a way to improve the way children are growing up and the skills they will have as adults.  A potential job with this group would be a networking person.  You would be responsible for getting companies to donate money and supplies.  You would then connect communities in need with the appropriate supplies that they need.  This position would be rooting in customer communication.  It would be important that you had organization skills and were able to relate to a variety of people.  It would also be important to see where the company could help children and work on getting people interested in that area.  Play is a vital part of childhood and it is important to help bring that to all children.

The last group I looked into was PlayCore.  This group promotes play by providing research and curriculums that can be used in the classroom.  This gives tools to educators to make the difference they need to get kids moving during the day.  A job that would be available in this field would be as a researcher.  You would need to be able to stay organized and know how to find the materials that you need.  I think a researcher at this company would be a little difference than the other ones because it seems to involve more classroom integration, instead of playgrounds.  You would also have to have an interest in play and children for this job.

I believe that play is becoming a much more studied area of childhood than it has before.  I do not know if it is because there is a lack of play in childhood now.  I hope that play can be brought back into childhood so that there are more children experiencing the benefits of play.


National Institute for Play

Play Matters



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Exploring Roles in the ECE Field

In all honesty, I am having a hard time looking up agencies or communities of practice that I am interested in. While I am looking things up, I keep finding articles on preschool agendas and individual preschools, but am not finding a lot of information about ones that I do not know about.

One program that I am currently involved in is Early Achievers. This is a program that supports preschools in the valley by providing coaching and money to schools to improve on the care that they are giving to children. The support that given is important for preschools to improve on the quality of their services to children. The coaching shows the providers ways to improve their services and the way they can get there. With the monetary awards given to the providers, you can use it for a training for staff and purchasing supplies. The goal of Early Achievers it to give children the best chance to succeed in their early years. In regards to job openings in this organization, I would have to be a rater, a coach, or a technical advisor. If I was a rater, I would be working at the University of Washington. I would have to be trained in the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) and the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECER-S), and have all my clearances through the department of early learning. I would also have to be fair, unbiased, and observant. I would need to take great notes to stay organized with the different centers. If I was a coach or a technical assistant, I would be in the classrooms assisting teachers and directors in preparing their centers and classrooms for the visit from the University of Washington. This would require me to stay organized to keep track of what each center is doing and to make sure that the proper documentation is done. I would also need to possess strong communication skills to make sure that I know where they are and how I can assist them. I would need to have a working knowledge of the CLASS system and the ECER-S scale.

A community of practice that I am involved in is the West Valley P-3 Initiative. I really like this program because it has provided trainings for myself and staff, it has introduced me to new resources, and has given me resources that I would not have had otherwise. I became interested in this group when I went to a training that talked about WAKIDS. What intrigued me about this group was that they were taking the initiative to pair area preschools with the school district to build relationships between the two. The point of doing this is to connect the two when sharing information about the children and where they are learning wise. This also allows the teachers to discuss the successes and the struggles of the child. With this information, the quality of care for each child increases. I also really enjoy that another goal of this group is to educate early learning providers. It is not required for providers in my area to have a college education, but the state is working towards that now. With the increased education, the providers learn how and why they are doing the things that they do. With that, they can ground what they are learning in research and practice. I feel that it is a partnership that allows me to access a lot more resources in the community and through the school district. I have learned more in the past two years that I have been involved with this group than I had in the previous four years. I have also been able to share what I know with the group. I like that my ideas are taken into consideration when I share. I feel that because this is a school district group, there is not necessarily a job that you have to have to be part of the group. The people that are involved are directors of preschools, school teachers, principals, the superintendent, and community members that provide resources. As a member of this group, you need to be able to talk about issues, discuss ideas, lead groups, and write grants. I feel that because it is a community of practice, the more variety of people that you have the better the results will be.

The last group that I am looking at is the Children’s Alliance. This is a group that promotes the well being of children. In looking at their website, I found that they have information about current laws that are being changed and ones that are new. There were linked to help fight childhood hunger and on finding oral care for them. I really like that there are links on the page, and that there is information for parents and providers. In looking at their website, I cannot find an employment page.   I did find an announcement that their food policy director is retiring, so that would be a job that is available. I would think that there is a director that oversees all the program, as well as directors of the individual departments. To do this job, you would need to be able to present to people, talk to people to encourage them to help you with the project, you would need to be organized to keep the steady stream of information flowing in and out of your organization, and you would need to be able to budget. With the broad scope of the information covered, this would be an interesting group to be involved in. As I look into it more, I may try to join the group, but it appears that most of the groups are from the western half of the state. I would have to see if the group extends to the east side of the state to see if I could join.

The big take away I had from this week is that it is hard to find groups that I was interested in. Some of the groups that I saw were more focused on the political and law changing part of the early childhood field. I strongly feel that my passion is sharing the information and resources that I have with others to make sure that each child is receiving a quality education.


Early Achievers Website:

Children’s Alliance Website:

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Thank You!

I would like to thank all my classmates who have helped me through this class and all the other classes that I have had with you.  Having a support group like this has made this journey easier and I appreciate all the help you have given.  I hope to see you in future courses, but if not, I wish you the best!